Booher, Rudi, Carla and Family

~ Separated to the work in Ecuador, South America ~

Booher Family

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10

Our vision for working in Shell, Ecuador has been to offer support for the ministry that Jesse and Tess Barnard have deeper in the jungle, serving the Waorani people. This has been our foremost reason for which we have been called to Ecuador.

As we live in Shell, we plan to open a coffee shop and bakery to work among the people here. Shell has seen literally hundreds, if not thousands, of missionaries over the past sixty years or so. It is the “poster child” of mission work!! We see a need for families that are following Christ to live, serve, and just “be” Christians in front of these people, who have come to see missionaries as some sort of special or rare breed of people. With Rudi working a “real job” and our children working with him, just like in Yoncalla, we will have opportunity to share the Gospel more readily and in a way that the common folk can relate to.

We are so excited to be back in South America after almost six years. In so many ways it feels like we are coming home!