~ Evangelism throughout North America and Mexico ~

Francois grew up partly in Quebec and partly in Ontario, Canada in a Roman Catholic family. In his late teens, two Christians from a student outreach ministry shared the Gospel with him on campus. After six months he gave his life and heart to the Lord in 1979 and began immediately sharing his faith on campus and shortly thereafter joined a Christian worker training program in the local church where he had started fellowshipping. That led him to go to Mexico on a short-term missionary trip in 1981 with Operation Mobilization where he first met Nohemi. Francois met Dick York in Torreon, Mexico where he heard about the training program; and in1984, he joined the first training program in San Antonio. He and Nohemi were married in 1985. In fellowship with their local fellowship in1989-90, they left for a year to North Africa to share their faith. Back in Canada, Francois worked on three different First Nations reservations as a teacher, sharing the Gospel and doing Bible studies over a period of ten years. Since the early 2000’s, they have been living in the Quebec City area, reaching out with the Gospel and teaching the Word to local Spanish and French speaking people, while doing self-supporting work as a translator/interpreter. He has also been involved since that time with Marcel Ouellet, with the Bible Expo ministry. They have presented the Bible Expo in many malls, fairs, public places in Canada, Mexico and the US, in French, Spanish and English. The Bible Expo is currently being expanded to have a permanent presence in Mexico.
Nohemi grew up in Torreon, Mexico in a Methodist family. She gave her life and heart to the Lord at 15. She studied at El Paso, TX in a Bible school in the late 70’s. During that time, she did Gospel ministry outreach at the juvenile court in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. Back in Torreon, she continued doing prison ministry with local believers for nine years until she married Francois in 1985. She has faithfully supported her husband during the many relocations while being a full-time home school mom for their three boys (Joshua, Daniel and Jonathan) for many years. She enjoys the weekly Spanish Bible study every Saturday at their house; and when they present the Bible Expo in Mexico, she is quite active, sharing the Gospel in her mother language.
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