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- Ball, Mike, Faith and Family~ Serving in Loreto, Zacatecas ~ The Balls send out a periodic newsletter by regular mail. If you would like to be on their mailing list, please contact our office.… Read more: Ball, Mike, Faith and Family
- Barnard, Jesse and Tess~ Serving in Ecuador; South America ~ Jesse was born and raised in Wyoming in a godly Christian family. He also grew up attending the Shield of Faith conferences, and… Read more: Barnard, Jesse and Tess
- Enns, Ed and Patty~ Tribal work in Ivory Coast, Ghana, and Burkina Faso; Discipleship; Conference speaker ~ Ed and Patty have been with SFMI now for about seven years. Previously, they were members… Read more: Enns, Ed and Patty
- Fontanez, Daniel, Mari and Family~ Making disciples in the city of Maguey, Jalisco Mexico ~ Mari and I are missionaries to Mexico. Mari was born and raised in Tototlán, Jalisco, Mexico. She heard and… Read more: Fontanez, Daniel, Mari and Family
- Marcoux, Francois and Nohemi~ Evangelism throughout North America and Mexico ~ Francois grew up partly in Quebec and partly in Ontario, Canada in a Roman Catholic family. In his late teens, two Christians… Read more: Marcoux, Francois and Nohemi
- McDaniel, Richard and Julie~ Teaching and preaching in the USA and abroad; Conference speaker; Literature; Instructor and director of the SFMI Training Program ~ Richard grew up in Japan as the son of… Read more: McDaniel, Richard and Julie
- Ring, Jack~ Serving churches and making disciples in Nigeria and around the world ~ Born 25 November, 1945, in Salem, Oregon; my father was an evangelist and later a pastor. I… Read more: Ring, Jack
- Skiles, Jerry and Sharon~ Itinerant ministry worldwide; Discipleship; Tribal work in Ivory Coast, Ghana, and Burkina Faso ~ Graduating from High School, I am sure my classmates would have put me close to… Read more: Skiles, Jerry and Sharon
- Stangel, Frank~Frank has just been added to the team of missionaries who are served by the Shield of Faith. We welcome him aboard and ask you to pray for his ministry… Read more: Stangel, Frank
- Sullivan, Henry, Grace and Family~ Separated to the work in Columbia; South America ~ In the Spring of 2018 God brought to our attention the spiritual need of people along the coast of Colombia.… Read more: Sullivan, Henry, Grace and Family