Recent Missionary News

  • Sullivan, Henry, Grace and Family
    ~ Separated to the work in Columbia; South America ~ Henry and Grace SullivanNuquí, Chocó, Colombia Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord (Pe 1:2). As of early January, we are back in Nuquí. We are enjoying a number of visitors and short-term helpers right now which have been a tremendous blessing. The house across the river is progressing well. Our use again of the “Bible House” has been delayed due to a situation that developed in it while we were traveling. We are working on a solution to it… Read more: Sullivan, Henry, Grace and Family
  • Fontanez, Daniel, Mari and Family
    ~ Making disciples in the city of Maguey, Jalisco Mexico ~ Daniel and Mari Fontanez Totolan, Mexico. Write
  • Ball, Mike, Faith and Family
    ~ Serving in Loreto, Zacatecas ~ BALL BEARINGS Mike and Faith BallLoreto, Mexico Greetings from Loreto, Zacatecas. We’ve been here in Loreto since Oct. 23. The 2nd week of November we traveled down to Zapotitlan, Puebla, with Feilynn, Lupita, Ethan, and three young people from the church: Anita, Cesar, and Leo. Mike visited Leo’s family in Chicago in September, and Leo had commented that he’d like to accompany us next time we visited the brothers in Zapotitlan; so we planned our visit down there for the time that he was visiting his grandparents here in Loreto. We were with the… Read more: Ball, Mike, Faith and Family
  • Skiles, Jerry and Sharon
    ~ Itinerant ministry worldwide; Discipleship; Tribal work in Ivory Coast, Ghana, and Burkina Faso ~ Greetings!In January I returned to West Africa to give some aid to the believers who were suffering due to the drought and lack of harvest. I met several of the church leaders in the capital of Ghana where we discussed how best to administrate what the Lord had provided. The proverbial story of a young boy walking a beach littered with starfish always comes to mind in these circumstances. In the story an old man saw the boy tossing starfish back into the ocean and… Read more: Skiles, Jerry and Sharon
  • Barnard, Jesse and Tess
    ~ Serving in Ecuador; South America ~ Hello dear church of Christ. Well, we have been in the States for four months now. We came back to see specialists at Doernbechers hospital for our sweet baby Kirsten. We are encouraged by the goodness of God through the ups and downs. After more tests and visits with specialists we are now miraculously in the clear to head back to the mission field to continue the work together with Myles and Mary Booher. Thank you all for your care and prayers! We have really felt carried by the Lord through this time. We… Read more: Barnard, Jesse and Tess
  • Enns, Ed and Patty
    ~ Tribal work in Ivory Coast, Ghana, and Burkina Faso; Discipleship; Conference speaker ~ Ed Enns, Ivory Coast, Africa. I (Ed) am presently on a train heading to my home country of Canada. My first stop will be at the Skiles where I’ll be sharing in their fellowship this coming Sunday. In Canada I’ll be visiting relatives, old friends and supporters. This trip will take up the month of March. Last we attended our home church’s missions conference. We are looking to move to Florida in May if we get all our ducks lined up in time. After that I’ll… Read more: Enns, Ed and Patty
  • McDaniel, Richard and Julie
    ~ Teaching and preaching in the USA and abroad; Conference speaker; Literature; Instructor and director of the SFMI Training Program ~ Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Our ministry here in Bend doesn’t seem to change too much. We are faithful to serve in the church with eldership responsibilities and to take part in the teaching ministry. We also continue to do street evangelism in downtown Bend almost every weekend. It is a time of much sowing without seeing much fruit of the harvest. We pray that others will be reaping a harvest from the… Read more: McDaniel, Richard and Julie