Sullivan, Henry, Grace and Family

~ Separated to the work in Columbia; South America ~

Sullivan Family

Dear family in Christ,
Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord. 2 Pe 1:2

After spending March, April and the first part of May in Medellín we are back in Nuquí. There were many good things to be the thankful for during our time in the city but we are very glad to be back on the coast. The best was the arrival of our daughter, Julia Marie, on the 28th of March. Everything went very well and the care for both Grace and baby was very good. Another blessing of our time in Medellín was fellowship with other believers there, some missionary friends and a few new friends the Lord brought us into contact with.

We are preparing to build a house on the land we have rented across the river from town. A more stable and independent living situation will be a huge blessing. We are eager to move forward with the Bible house as well and continue to prepare for it but have not had peace about the timing yet so other than keeping an eye open for available locations have not pursued it hard since our return to Nuquí. We trust the Lord with all of that and know that His provision comes with His time.

Thank you for continuing in prayer:

  • Praise God for the good birth and good health for Grace and Julia.
  • Continuing to ask the Lord’s direction with the house and Bible house projects.
  • For wisdom navigating delicate relationships without offending and without being associated in a way that would hinder sharing the Lord with the very different cultural/ethnic groups here.

Henry, for: Henry, Grace, David, Noah, Joseph and Julia.