A Sample Video of a Training Session
Training for Missions, Ministry and Leadership
In order to accommodate as many as come to us for training, we’ve chosen to be flexible concerning our starting date and the duration of the program. In recent years, we’ve chosen the first Monday in May as our starting date, with the program running thru the end of August. We have chosen to be available with our time however, in order to serve as many as we can. The core of the program is held in Bend, Oregon and consists of many hours of biblical teaching as well as many hours dedicated to the practical application of the things that are taught. Some things are best taught by practical experience.
Training involves more than just Bible study, which is why we incorporate working together in the spread of the gospel as well as other joint endeavors. Spiritual growth and maturity is also encouraged through having to work together and through the challenges that close relationships will bring. This is a full-time program, requiring a full-time commitment. The participants, whom we call trainees, are not allowed to be employed during this time. This also is a faith builder as the trainees must trust fully in the Lord to provide for their needs.

We are praying for laborers for the harvest fields, and this may be a step towards that goal in the will of the Lord for you or someone you know. We will be glad to answer any questions or to give out more information on our program.. Please contact us for more information
To view descriptions of each topic, CLICK HERE.
To read the entire training program brochure, CLICK HERE.